• Hi, i-Thomash and WoD! maked remake of OSBANDITI and there is:

    New functions:
    BAR (Energy is required to do jobs, crimes etc.)
    New design
    Daily bonus
    Town selection after register
    Avatar upload
    Remake of Bank
    Remake of Crimes
    Repaired family administration

    ... and so more

    Login: Demo
    Pass: 123456
    (Please don't change the password)

    It's Slovak site (Slovak Republic)

    Please rate from 0/10 to 10/10

    thanks, and i will be happy if you give me new ideas to new version 0.2

  • *my english is not good, but i try it with google translator

    Site sees there nicely from 8/10 Only have you still a money bugg in your game sit. If you sell busy and you sell do [space] 73827 [space] those still narcotics whereas you do not have it in have. look but how much money the demo has account

  • Nice work, but I can't read anything. I can read English, Dutch & German but Slovak's don't.

    Google Translator don't works, because I can't login then.

    The loadtime is sometimes very slowly.
    I don't know where you host your website, but it's irritating to wait 2 minutes on a website.

    And please make a English translation, because almost no - one can understand anything about your site.


    Lars Groot

  • Nice site!
    Good job!

    Ps: you came to the right place, we are the only website that offers support for these kind of games!
    You reached a niche market.
    Good luck and do not hesiate to contact us through the forum, in case of problems or questions.

    If you manage to promote these kind of services in other langues, we will translate this website, so many many countries can join in ^^.


  • selldrugs.php (fix the bug)

    replace line 16 / 23 with this:

    [offtopic]credits are going to 'vergeten'[/offtopic]

    Groetjes Oceans

  • thanks so much

    Nieuwe reactie samengevoegd met originele reactie op 22.05.10 10:33:57:
    i have problem with loterry and cron_week, with winners, have anyone repaired cron_week and lotery.php ??

  • [offtopic]
    Droom fijn verder, we zijn niet de enigste community die in dit soort dingen helpt.
    Er zijn er nog veel meer buiten jou netwerk om, we moeten wel eerlijk blijven he (xD)

    What problem do you have with that script?
    Maby i can help you with this problem, i have solved this bug a few months ago.

  • Superior, can you give me any contact to you? ICQ, skype or MSN?

    please send me pm

    Nieuwe reactie samengevoegd met originele reactie op 22.05.10 19:56:51:
    btw, superior, you can join to our programmer team and make the best mafia game in the world, interested?

    I DO NOT RELEASE THIS REMAKE, it representing Slovak Republic

Participate now!

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