Hallo, ik heb nog altijd een probleem met het forum bug , namelijk de F5 bug (100 topic's in zo veel tijd.)
Ik heb de de code wat mooi geplaats zo dat jullie er beter uit kunnen lezen.
Want ik moet toegeven, hoe het eerst was.. kon op deze momenten wel verdwalen in een bos !
if($_GET['mode'] != delete
&& $_GET['mode'] != post
&& $_GET['mode'] != edit
&& $_GET['mode'] != reply
&& $_GET['mode'] != quote)
{ header("Location: $sitelink/index.php");
if($_GET['mode'] == delete)
$deletep1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumreplies` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['p']}'");
$deletep = mysql_fetch_object($deletep1);
$deletep->auteur != $data->login
&& $data->admin == 0
&& $data->moderator == 0)
$error = deletefout;
$del3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumreplies` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['p']}'");
$del2 = mysql_fetch_object($reply3);
$del1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `id`='$reply2->topic'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `forumreplies` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['p']}'");
$error = delete;
$deletet1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['t']}'");
$deletet = mysql_fetch_object($deletet1);
$deletet->auteur != $data->login
&& $data->admin == 0
&& $data->moderator == 0)
$error = deletefout;
$del1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['t']}'");
$error = delete;
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['t']}'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `forumreplies` WHERE `topic`='{$_GET['t']}'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `forumpolls` WHERE `topic`='{$_GET['t']}'");
$del = mysql_fetch_object($reply1);
if($_GET['mode'] == reply || $_GET['mode'] == quote || $_GET['mode'] == delete || $_GET['mode'] == edit)
$reply1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['t']}'");
if($_GET['mode'] != edit)
$reply3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumreplies` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['p']}'");
$reply2 = mysql_fetch_object($reply3);
$reply1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `id`='$reply2->topic'");
$reply1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumreplies` WHERE `id`='{$_GET['p']}'");
$reply = mysql_fetch_object($reply1);
if($reply->auteur != $data->login
&& $data->admin < 1
&& $data->moderator < 1 && $_GET['mode'] == edit)
$error = deletefout;
if($reply->locked == 1){header("Location: $sitelink/v3/viewtopic.php?f={$_GET['f']}&t=$reply->id");
if($_POST['message'] == "")
$error = 3;
if($_POST['subject'] == "")
$error = 4;
if($_POST['poll_title'] != ""
&& $_POST['poll_option_text1'] == "")
$error = 1;}
if($_POST['poll_option_text1'] != ""
&& $_POST['poll_option_text2'] == "")
$error = 1;}
if($_POST['poll_max_options'] > 10)
$_POST['poll_max_options'] = 10;
if($_POST['poll_max_options'] < 1)
$_POST['poll_max_options'] = 1;
if($error == "")
$smilies = 1;
$smilies = 0;}
$bbcode = 1;
$bbcode = 0;
$geplaatst = (date("d-m-Y H:i"));
$gereplied = (date("d-m-Y"));
if($_GET['mode'] == post)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `forumtopics`(title,content,auteur,smiles,ubb,subforum,date,lastreplydate,lastreply,lastreplydate2) values('{$_POST['subject']}','{$_POST['message']}','$data->login','$smilies','$bbcode','{$_GET['f']}','$geplaatst','$gereplied','$data->login',NOW())");
$select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forumtopics` WHERE `title`='{$_POST['subject']}' AND `content`='{$_POST['message']}' ORDER BY `id` DESC");
while($sel = mysql_fetch_object($select))
if($stop == "")
$stop = 1;
$topicid = $sel->id;
$error = niks;
if($_GET['f'] == 8 && $data->admin == 1)
$news11 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `place`='1'");
$news22 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `place`='2'");
$news33 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `place`='3'");
$news44 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `place`='4'");
$news55 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `place`='5'");
$news1 = mysql_fetch_object($news11);
$news2 = mysql_fetch_object($news22);
$news3 = mysql_fetch_object($news33);
$news4 = mysql_fetch_object($news44);
$news5 = mysql_fetch_object($news55);
$nieuws = (date("d-m"));
mysql_query("UPDATE `news` SET `author`='$news4->author',`title`='$news4->title',`date`='$news4->date',`id`='$news4->id' WHERE `place`='5'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `news` SET `author`='$news3->author',`title`='$news3->title',`date`='$news3->date',`id`='$news3->id' WHERE `place`='4'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `news` SET `author`='$news2->author',`title`='$news2->title',`date`='$news2->date',`id`='$news2->id' WHERE `place`='3'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `news` SET `author`='$news1->author',`title`='$news1->title',`date`='$news1->date',`id`='$news1->id' WHERE `place`='2'");
mysql_query("UPDATE `news` SET `author`='$data->login',`title`='{$_POST['subject']}',`date`='$nieuws',`id`='$topicid' WHERE `place`='1'");
if($_POST['poll_title'] != "")
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `forumpolls`(vraag,opties,geldig,optie1,optie2,optie3,optie4,optie5,optie6,optie7,optie8,optie9,optie10,topic) values('{$_POST['poll_title']}','{$_POST['poll_max_options']}','{$_POST['poll_length']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text1']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text2']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text3']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text4']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text5']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text6']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text7']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text8']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text9']}','{$_POST['poll_option_text10']}','$topicid')");
if($_GET['mode'] == edit)
mysql_query("UPDATE `forumreplies` SET `content`='{$_POST['message']}',`title`='{$_POST['subject']}',`smiles`='$smilies',`ubb`='$bbcode' WHERE `id`='$reply->id'");
$error = niks;
}else if(isset($_GET['t']))
mysql_query("UPDATE `forumtopics` SET `content`='{$_POST['message']}',`title`='{$_POST['subject']}',`smiles`='$smilies',`ubb`='$bbcode' WHERE `id`='$reply->id'");
$error = niks;
if($_GET['mode'] == reply || $_GET['mode'] == quote){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `forumreplies`(title,content,auteur,smiles,ubb,subforum,date,topic) values('{$_POST['subject']}','{$_POST['message']}','$data->login','$smilies','$bbcode','{$_GET['f']}','$geplaatst','$reply->id')");
mysql_query("UPDATE `forumtopics` SET `read`='0',`lastreplydate`='$gereplied',`lastreplydate2`=NOW(),`lastreply`='$data->login' WHERE `id`='$reply->id'");
$error = niks;
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