Ik heb op mijn script de juiste id ingevuld maar de betallingen ( het geld)
komt niet op mijn mollie?
kan iemand mij helpen?
Misschien even het script posten?
Inderdaad, het script is wel zo handig..
ik kan niet het volledige script hier zetten... want hij is gekocht ( http://www.pokemon-area.com )
maar dit is wel de pagina :PHP
Toon Meer<? session_start(); # error_reporting(E_ALL); #Verbinding maken met de database include("../../includes/config.php"); #Include Files for add premium points include("../add_premium.inc.php"); #Gegevens laden van de gekozen pack $dbres = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `naam`, `kosten` FROM `premium` WHERE `naam`='".$_SESSION['packnaam']."'")); if($_SESSION['country'] == 0){ echo "We have a problem, we don't have your phone number. Try another payment method."; } else{ ?> <html> <head> <title>Telephone Pokemon-Area</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../stylesheets/box.css" /> </head> <body> <center> <h3><? echo $dbres['naam'];?></h3> <div class="tel_box"> <? require('classes/class.micropayment-mollie.php'); $m = new micropayment(); $m->setPartnerID(692857); # change this to your partner ID # if (isset($_GET['c']) and is_numeric($_GET['c'])) $m->setCountry($_GET['c']); $m->setCountry($_SESSION['country']); $m->setAmount($dbres['kosten']); #Kosten word geladen van uit de database if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'check' and isset($_SESSION['servicenumber']) and isset($_SESSION['paycode']) and $_SESSION['servicenumber'] and $_SESSION['paycode']) { /* user posted a paymentcheck, so below we'll check if the servicenumber and the paycode is fully payed */ $m->setServicenumber($_SESSION['servicenumber']); $m->setPaycode($_SESSION['paycode']); $m->checkPayment(); if ($m->payed) { # User payed succesfully! mysql_query("UPDATE `premium_gekocht` SET `status`='gelukt' WHERE `wie`='".$_SESSION['naam']."' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); #Add Premium Points add_premium($_SESSION['id'],$dbres['naam']); } else { # payment is not (fully) done, send the user back to the payment-screen echo '<font color=red><b>'.$_SESSION['naam'].' '.$dbres['naam'].'Betaling is niet afgerond,<br />volg de onderstaande instructies!</b></font><br /><br />'; mysql_query("UPDATE `premium_gekocht` SET `status`='mislukt' WHERE `wie`='".$_SESSION['naam']."' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"); } } if (!$m->payed) { /* Below we include the payment-screen, because no payment is received (yet) */ include('includes/include.paymentscreen.php'); #Update Database $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); #Save Payment in Database mysql_query("INSERT INTO `premium_gekocht` (`datum`, `wie`, `wat`, `waarmee`, `status`, `info`) VALUES ('".$date."', '".$_SESSION['naam']."', '".$dbres['naam']."', 'phone', 'begonnen', '".$_SESSION['paycode']."') "); } ?> </div> </center> </body> </html> <? } ?>
Maakt dit script nog gebruik van een oudere versie van Mollie API?
Ter referentie: https://www.mollie.nl/support/…tatie/betaaldiensten/ivr/ -
dat weet ik niet.. maar ik vulde de code in en ondertussen weer al 10 betaald en niets bij
Maar je krijgt wel de items waar je voor betaald? Je kan trouwens testen of het werkt zonder dat je moet betalen, dan zet je je script in een testmode.
maar lukt niet.. items krijg je wel bij maar geen geld...
Volgens mij ligt het dan niet aan je script, kan het zijn dat de partnerID ergens anders ook aangepast moet worden, ik denk namelijk dat hij een script laad dat jou partnerID overschrijft?
en wat bedoel je
Als jou partnerID klopt en je krijgt de items die gekocht zijn wil dat zeggen dat er niets mis is met het script, maar met je partnerID.
ik heb alle bestanden voor telefoon bekendm maar vindt niet echt iets
classes/class.micropayment-mollie.php hier ?
Maar daar zet je je partner id niet in, althans in de nieuwe versies niet.
dit is de classes/class.micropayment-mollie.php
Toon Meer<?php /* ======================================================================= File : class.mollie-micropayment.php Author : Mollie B.V. Version : 1.2 (Nov 2007) More information? Go to www.mollie.nl ======================================================================== */ class micropayment { # default vars var $partnerid = null; var $amount = 1.30; var $report = null; var $country = 31; var $servicenumber = null; var $paycode = null; var $duration = null; var $mode = null; var $costperminute = null; var $costpercall = null; var $currency = null; # after a paycheck is done, we can use these vars var $payed = false; var $durationdone = 0; var $durationleft = null; var $paystatus = null; function setPartnerID($partnerid) { $this->partnerid = $partnerid; } function setAmount($amount) { if (is_numeric($amount) or $amount == 'endless') { $this->amount = $amount; return true; } else return false; } function setCountry($country) { if (is_numeric($country)) { $this->country = $country; return true; } else return false; } function setReportURL($report) { $this->report = $report; } function setServicenumber($servicenumber) { $this->servicenumber = $servicenumber; } function setPaycode($paycode) { $this->paycode = $paycode; } function getPayInfo() { $result = $this->sendToHost('www.mollie.nl', '/xml/micropayment/', 'a=fetch'. '&partnerid='.urlencode($this->partnerid). '&amount='.urlencode($this->amount). '&servicenumber='.urlencode($this->servicenumber). '&country='.urlencode($this->country). '&report='.urlencode($this->report)); if (!$result) return false; list($headers, $xml) = preg_split("/(\r?\n){2}/", $result, 2); $data = XML_unserialize($xml); $this->servicenumber = $data['response']['item']['servicenumber']; $this->paycode = $data['response']['item']['paycode']; $this->amount = $data['response']['item']['amount']; $this->duration = (isset($data['response']['item']['duration'])) ? $data['response']['item']['duration'] : ''; $this->mode = $data['response']['item']['mode']; $this->costperminute = (isset($data['response']['item']['costperminute'])) ? $data['response']['item']['costperminute'] : ''; $this->costpercall = (isset($data['response']['item']['costpercall'])) ? $data['response']['item']['costpercall'] : ''; $this->currency = $data['response']['item']['currency']; return true; } function checkPayment() { $result = $this->sendToHost('www.mollie.nl', '/xml/micropayment/', 'a=check'. '&servicenumber='.urlencode($this->servicenumber). '&paycode='.urlencode($this->paycode)); if (!$result) return false; list($headers, $xml) = preg_split("/(\r?\n){2}/", $result, 2); $data = XML_unserialize($xml); $this->payed = ($data['response']['item']['payed'] == 'true'); $this->durationdone = (isset($data['response']['item']['durationdone'])) ? $data['response']['item']['durationdone'] : ''; $this->durationleft = (isset($data['response']['item']['durationleft'])) ? $data['response']['item']['durationleft'] : ''; $this->paystatus = $data['response']['item']['paystatus']; $this->amount = $data['response']['item']['amount']; $this->duration = (isset($data['response']['item']['duration'])) ? $data['response']['item']['duration'] : ''; $this->mode = $data['response']['item']['mode']; $this->costperminute = (isset($data['response']['item']['costperminute'])) ? $data['response']['item']['costperminute'] : ''; $this->costpercall = (isset($data['response']['item']['costpercall'])) ? $data['response']['item']['costpercall'] : ''; $this->currency = $data['response']['item']['currency']; return $this->payed; } function sendToHost($host,$path,$data) { $fp = @fsockopen($host,80); if ($fp) { @fputs($fp, "POST $path HTTP/1.0\n"); @fputs($fp, "Host: $host\n"); @fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"); @fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\n"); @fputs($fp, "Connection: close\n\n"); @fputs($fp, $data); $buf = ''; while (!feof($fp)) $buf .= fgets($fp,128); fclose($fp); } return $buf; } } ################################################################################### # # XML Library, by Keith Devens, version 1.2b # http://keithdevens.com/software/phpxml # # This code is Open Source, released under terms similar to the Artistic License. # Read the license at http://keithdevens.com/software/license # ################################################################################### class XML { var $parser; #a reference to the XML parser var $document; #the entire XML structure built up so far var $parent; #a pointer to the current parent - the parent will be an array var $stack; #a stack of the most recent parent at each nesting level var $last_opened_tag; #keeps track of the last tag opened. function XML () { $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'open','close'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'data'); } function destruct () { xml_parser_free($this->parser); } function parse (&$data) { $this->document = array(); $this->stack = array(); $this->parent = &$this->document; return xml_parse($this->parser, $data, true) ? $this->document : NULL; } function open (&$parser, $tag, $attributes) { $this->data = ''; #stores temporary cdata $this->last_opened_tag = $tag; if (is_array($this->parent) and array_key_exists($tag,$this->parent)) { #if you've seen this tag before if (is_array($this->parent[$tag]) and array_key_exists(0,$this->parent[$tag])) { #if the keys are numeric #this is the third or later instance of $tag we've come across $key = count_numeric_items($this->parent[$tag]); } else { #this is the second instance of $tag that we've seen. shift around if (array_key_exists("$tag attr",$this->parent)) { $arr = array('0 attr'=>&$this->parent["$tag attr"], &$this->parent[$tag]); unset($this->parent["$tag attr"]); } else { $arr = array(&$this->parent[$tag]); } $this->parent[$tag] = &$arr; $key = 1; } $this->parent = &$this->parent[$tag]; } else { $key = $tag; } if ($attributes) $this->parent["$key attr"] = $attributes; $this->parent = &$this->parent[$key]; $this->stack[] = &$this->parent; } function data (&$parser, $data) { if ($this->last_opened_tag != NULL) #you don't need to store whitespace in between tags $this->data .= $data; } function close (&$parser, $tag) { if ($this->last_opened_tag == $tag){ $this->parent = $this->data; $this->last_opened_tag = NULL; } array_pop($this->stack); if ($this->stack) $this->parent = &$this->stack[count($this->stack)-1]; } } function & XML_unserialize (&$xml) { $xml_parser = new XML(); $data = $xml_parser->parse($xml); $xml_parser->destruct(); return $data; } function count_numeric_items(&$array){ return is_array($array) ? count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_numeric')) : 0; } ?>
var $partnerid = null;
Daar je partner ID invullen -
en hoe update ik die
Helemaal onderaan kun je de PHP API downloaden, en dan moet je de bestanden vervangen.
ok, bedankt ik neem een kijkje
en in welke bestanden allemaal moet ik dan de mollie id zetten
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