Casino not working OSBantiti 1.6

  • So I've recently downloaded and installed OSBanditi 1.6, not the easiest task coz I barely speak Dutch. Anyway, after installation pretty much everything worked except for the casino. Now I've looked into the files and all PHP and all .swf files are present, there's no errors except for the ones in-game that say 'undefined', and when I browsed the forums I wasn't really able to find a solution, at least nothing I was able to understand.

    Could someone tell me why the casino items aren't working and what I can do to fix them?

  • Guest, wil je besparen op je domeinnamen? (ad)
  • Do you have the error reporting enabled to find out? Most hosting companies disable this by default for security reasons on websites, with the code below you can override these settings for your website.

    // Enable error reporting
    ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

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